Salesforce Reporting

Gauri a UK-based Salesforce Partner

Reporting the is key element of any digital initiatives, the workflow solutions like Salesforce CRM and other integrated enterprise applications create a lot of valuable data, this data can provide important insight for data-driven business decisions.

The Salesforce reporting and Salesforce dashboard implementation requires deep understanding of the solution architecture and data structure spread across enterprise applications and sound business knowledge. The Salesforce Reports and Salesforce Dashboard can cover both operational reporting and analytical reporting requirement.

We have detailed mechanism to incorporate Salesforce reporting as part of Salesforce Implementation, but we help our customer with specific Salesforce reports and Salesforce dashboard post implementation.

With our Data and AI practice we provide a comprehensive reporting options which can leverage the power big data, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

How to Create Salesforce Dashboard

There are several pre-built Salesforce reports and Salesforce dashboards as part of the Salesforce Reporting Suite. In our experience implementing CRM solutions we have identified certain scenarios wherein these prebuilt Salesforce reports do not suffice. Especially, when it involves data from underlying ERP solutions like SAP.

We have identified typical reporting requirements in the Integrated CRM scenarios for Salesforce reporting in each of the major areas like Salesforce Marketing, Salesforce Sales and Salesforce Service. We have pre-built Salesforce reports and Salesforce dashboards, which can be deployed and customised for individual customers as part of Salesforce implementation project. The goal is to improve quality and reduce implement time and costs involved.

These are few examples Salesforce reports and Salesforce dashboards in each of the areas with some screen shots.


  • Marketing qualified leads (MQL) to sales qualified leads (SQL) conversion rate
  • Revenue generated per channel
  • Lead Pipeline Velocity
  • Net promoter Score


Few report names for Sales team are:

  • New business Win Rate & Upsell
  • Revenue Sold Per Sales Representative
  • Individual Targets Attainment
  • Gross Customer Churn
  • Wallet Share per Customer
  • Sales Eligible Lead delivery
  • Customer Acquisition Cost
  • Opportunities Past Due date
  • Service

Sample Built-In Reports

  • Average first response time by agent
  • Average case resolution time
  • First-response violated cases
  • Stalled cases
  • Case lifecycle by agent
  • Average response time by agent
  • Average handle time by agent
  • Average speed to answer by agent
  • Agents burn rate

For more details, please visit Salesforce Reporting Suite.

For a more comprehensive SalesForce Reports and Salesforce Dashboard list and how we can help please get in touch with us.

Let's talk!

Drop us a line or two to tell us about your business and we'll be in touch.