Project Inflection Point

Project Inflection Point

Everyone wants CRM implementations to succeed in the first attempt. Yet, a surprising percentage of them face huge delays or failure. Having spent two decades implementing CRM solutions globally, and having learnt much working on various implementations with customers...
Challenges in a CRM implementation

Challenges in a CRM implementation

If you’re in the process of choosing a platform for CRM, there are numerous solutions to choose from that are currently available today. Back in the early days of CRM, there were only a handful. Over the last two decades we have seen more than twenty platforms;...
The Oncoming Era of Clouds

The Oncoming Era of Clouds

A handful of years ago came a furious wind that swayed away the traditional ways of doing business. With it, it brought a giant cloud that marked its territory in the vast sky. The cloud was Salesforce – and it has been expanding ever since; offering a variety...