Digital Integration

Enabling intelligent enterprise through the power of data and AI.

Build seamless interfaces between the customers and your enterprise powered by data driven intelligent solutions.

The Background

Embed data and analytics as the pulse of your organisation and into all key operations and decisions across sales, marketing, supply chain, customer experience, and other core functions. We will let your leadership teams define the goals for digitisation, drive efficiency, and business transformation, whilst eliminating shadow technologies, competing versions of truth and analysis paralysis.

Through a flexible architecture and implementation, we bridge the gap between customer/stakeholder-facing apps and the core data plus insights that can help drive transformative experiences by integrating into those apps.

Our digital integration ensures that multiple back-end systems and databases are integrated as per transformation needs, into a low-latency and shared resource which is made available through high-performance APIs to your end use applications.

Why Gauri

Most organisations struggle to make sense of the plethora of technology and operating options in Data Integration. Also, the scarcity of skilled personnel is a major barrier to designing and deploying impactful AI-enabled solutions.

Our Data and AI experts have the right level of implementation experience and deep technical knowledge whilst also being well versed in business domains. We will help you steer clear of the hype surrounding AI, Data Science, and Data Integration, providing practical solutions that embed algorithms wrapped with relevant API and software.

We can then implement it in a manner that suits your priorities. Our team will architect and deliver a strong Data and AI foundation to support your transformation initiatives. This will ensure that the invested efforts yield maximum returns.

The workshop opened our eyes to technology we didn’t know existed and to types of data we previously hadn’t considered; we are now working together to create a long-term data strategy with a clear focus on delivery to the end consumer.
Michael Goodyear

Head of IT, Openfield Agriculture Ltd.

For a small charitable organisation such as JUST Lincolnshire, the journey of finding the stories behind its data can be intimidating and somewhat of a minefield. Thanks to JUST Lincolnshire’s first workshop with Gauri I now feel that we have a trusted partner accompanying us on our journey who ‘gets’ what we are seeking to achieve. As well as this Gauri offers concrete, small steps that will help us to achieve our goals in a more effective and meaningful way.
General Manager

Wesley Shelbourne, JUST Lincolnshire

We are absolutely delighted with our partnership with Gauri. They have done a tremendous job on the design, planning, and implementation of our custom-built Insights Tool. They have a wealth of knowledge and expertise, we always felt secure in their hands throughout the process. One of the most impressive parts of the wonderful service they offer is how flexible and communicative they are. It’s refreshing to work with a company that’s so proactive, and committed to meeting their client’s needs. Our relationship continues to grow and develop into new areas, we look forward to working closely with them for the foreseeable future.
Head of Marketing

Luisa Cacioppo-Smallwood, Polarn O. Pyret (Odin Retail Ltd.)

Data & AI Case Studies

Polarn O. Pyret

Odin Retail required a transaction insights tool to be able to make informed decisions about marketing campaigns and identify best customer acquisition methods.


MOSL Water/Utilities Visualisation
Read how water retailers can now visualise the market and leverage opportunities to grow their customer base based on Gauri’s state-of-the-art analytics solution based on Tableau.

Data & AI Insights
Do not let numbers fool you

Do not let numbers fool you

Numbers and statistics are the ultimate truth with the condition that they are presented neutrally. Numbers can be very simple to understand yet there are numerous methods available to manipulate their representation which can fool anyone if not everyone. Ronald Coase...

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