It is said that when the Gauri team gets together, they create magic. Which seems to be exactly what happened here πŸ™‚

On a more factual note, a great idea, seeded by Samir and Mike on one of their journeys back from Whitecroft. A walk in the Peak district with the promise of a great pub at the end of it seemed to work magic with a great turnout πŸ™‚ An excellent start to the day with an on-time kick off from Lincoln and great entertainment on the way with Conner’s musical notes that showed there are many facets to music and melody is not the only game in town.

Magically different team members got to the same spot with different addresses in their instructions. A lesson here for the projects – don’t worry too much about the specifications, we get there in the end irrespective πŸ™‚

The trail was a full 10.5 kms no less, and the young and old valiantly marched on. Too many cooks led to some indecisions on what was the correct trail – but true to our team spirit, we argued, fretted, fumed and eventually reconciled πŸ™‚

Some footie en route provided some sparks of excitement, as did some trick photography… 

Finally, the pub came to sight and they even had food for so many of us – a drink never tasted so good and guess it was time to top up the calories we wasted on the way. So swiftly the calories were consumed – and Akshay was the man of the moment asking us to down (drown in ?) tequilas, even before his marriage – guess the signs are ominous πŸ™‚ 

Conner led and managed the arrangements to the T – looks like he has really taken to Project Management! Kudos! A fantastic day out guys – here’s to many more!